Creating images and coding HTML are easy skills to learn. Creating a cohesive and intuitive site, effective at reaching a target audience, is not such an easy task. We offer consultation, content creation, graphic design, Flash and Multimedia Development. Our design process can be broken down into four separate steps:
The Interview: We will ask you a lot of questions. This will insure that we become familiar with your needs and preferences and that you get the website features you require. This can only be accomplished by obtaining information from the person most familiar with your business "YOU".
Initial Site Design & Evaluation: After the interview, we will send you a price quote verification for completion of your website. Only at this point do we request payment. We will then create a layout for your site. Color scheme, content addition, graphic design and interactivity are all attended to during this stage. You will have the ability to monitor your site's progress and provide valuable input, guidance and suggestions, such as additions or changes, during this time. We maintain regular contact with our clients by email and phone during this phase.
Implementation: During this stage we polish the site and thoroughly test it to verify and insure ease of use on a variety of browsers and screen resolutions.